Institut für Photonik Nachrichten News
Congratulations to Mr. Bo He on Successfully Defending His PhD Thesis

Congratulations to Mr. Bo He on Successfully Defending His PhD Thesis

We are delighted to announce that Mr. Bo He has successfully defended his PhD thesis on 12.01.2023. His thesis, entitled "Atomistic and Continuum Scale Models for Flexoelectric Nanostructures and Composites" is the result of years of hard work and dedication. The defense took place in room A501, Appelstraße 11A and was also available via online meeting.

We are delighted to announce that Mr. Bo He has successfully defended his PhD thesis on 12.01.2023. His thesis, entitled "Atomistic and Continuum Scale Models for Flexoelectric Nanostructures and Composites" is the result of years of hard work and dedication. The defense took place in room A501, Appelstraße 11A and was also available via online meeting.

Mr. He's research in the field of flexoelectric nanostructures and composites is not only outstanding, but also very relevant. The ability to model and predict the behavior of these materials at different scales is of great importance to the advancement of technology and the development of new applications in various industries.

Mr. He is currently working in the industry, where his expertise and knowledge will be put to good use, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

We extend our warmest congratulations to Mr. He on this outstanding achievement.