Publications of PQT

    • Journals
      • A. Khodadad Kashi and M. Kues, “Spectral Hong–Ou–Mandel Interference between Independently Generated Single Photons for Scalable Frequency‐Domain Quantum Processing” Laser and Photonics Reviews, (2021).

      • H. Mahmudlu, S. May, A. Angulo, M. Sorel, and M. Kues, “AlGaAs-on-insulator waveguide for highly efficient photon-pair generation via spontaneous four-wave mixing” Optics Letters 46 (5), 1061-1064 (2021).
      • S.E. Rasmussen, N.J.S. Loft, T. Bækkegaard, M. Kues, and N.T. Zinner, “Reducing the Amount of Single‐Qubit Rotations in VQE and Related Algorithms” Advanced Quantum Technologies 3 (12), 2000063 (2020).

      • S. Prabhakar, T. Shields, A. Dada, M. Ebrahim, G. G. Taylor, D. Morozov, K. Erotokritou, S. Miki, M. Yabuno, H. Terai, C. Gawith, M. Kues, L. Caspani, R. H. Hadfield , M. Clerici, Two-photon quantum interference and entanglement at 2.1 µm, Science Advance (2020), in production.

      • S. Sciara, P. Roztocki, C. Rimoldi, M. Chemnitz, B.Fischer, L. Romero Cortés, W. J. Munro, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, C. Reimer, J. Azaña, M.Kues, R. Morandotti, “Generation and Processing of Complex Photon States With Quantum Frequency Combs”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31, 1862-1865, 2019.

      • A. Aadhi, A. V. Kovalev, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, Y. Zhang, T. Wang, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, Z. Wang, D. J. Moss, E. A. Viktorov, and R. Morandotti, “Highly reconfigurable hybrid laser based on an integrated nonlinear waveguide,” Optics Express 27, 25251 (2019).
      • S. Sciara, C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, A. Cino, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, and R. Morandotti, “Universal N-partite d-level entanglement witness based on realistic measurement settings,” Physical Review Letters 122, 120501 (2019).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, J.M. Lukens, W.J. Munro, A.M. Weiner, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Quantum Optical Microcombs”, Nature Photonics, 170–179 (2019).

      • S. May, M. Kues, M. Clerici, and M. Sorel, “Second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs-on-insulator waveguides,” Opt. Lett. 44(6), 1339-1342 (2019).

      • C. Reimer, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki, M. Islam1, L. Romero Cortés, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azaña, M. Kues and R. Morandotti, “High-dimensional one-way quantum processing implemented on d-level cluster states,” Nature Physics, 15, 148–153 (2019).

      • P. Roztocki, S. Sciara, C. Reimer, L. Romero Cortés, Y. Zhang, B. Wetzel, M. Islam, B. Fischer , A. Cino , S. T. Chu , B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azaña, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti,“Complex Quantum State Generation and Coherent Control Based on Integrated Frequency Combs,” Journal oLightwave Technology 37, 338 (2019).

      • B. Wetzel, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, P. Godin, M. Rowley, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, E. A. Viktorov, D. J. Moss, A. Pasquazi, M. Peccianti and R. Morandotti, “Customizing supercontinuum generation via on-chip adaptive temporal pulse-splitting” Nature Communications 9, 4884 (2018).

      • B. MacLellan, P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, L. Romero Cortés, Y. Zhang, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azaña, R. Morandotti, “Generation and Coherent Control of Pulsed Quantum Frequency Combs,” JoVE, DOI: 10.3791/57517 (2018).

      • Y. Zhang, C. Reimer, J. Wu, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, B. J. Eggleton, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Multi-channel phase-sensitive amplification in a low loss CMOS-compatible spiral waveguide,” Optics Letters, 42, 4391(2017).

      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, S. Sciara, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Practical system for the generation of pulsed quantum frequency combs,” Optics Express 25, 18940 (2017).

      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L. Romero Cortés, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip generation of high-dimensional entangled quantum states and their coherent control,” Nature 546, 622 (2017).

      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, T. Hansson, E. A. Viktorov, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Passively mode-locked laser with an ultra-narrow spectral width,” Nature Photonics 11, 159 Advanced Online Publication (2017). 

      • B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, S. Trillo, J. M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz, and R. Morandotti, “Experimental generation of Riemann waves in optics: A route to shock wave control,” Physical Review Letters 117, 073902 (2016). 

      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Generation of multiphoton entangled quantum states by means of integrated frequency combs,” Science351, 1176 (2016).

      • L. Caspani, C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, M. Clerici, B. Wetzel, Y. Jestin, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti “Multifrequency sources of quantum correlated photon pairs on-chip: a path toward integrated Quantum Frequency Combs,” Nanophotonics (2016 - Published online) doi:10.1515/nanoph-2016-0029.

      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, L. Caspani, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, M. Clerici, Y. Jestin, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, B. Little, S. Chu, D. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Cross-polarized photon-pair generation and bi-chromatically pumped optical parametric oscillation on a chip,” Nature Communications 6, 8236 (2015).

      • M. Kues, M. Brinkmann, and C. Fallnich, “Optical control of χ3-frequency conversion by second-order modulation instability,” Physical Review A 89, 033824 (2014).

      • [A16] C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated frequency comb source of heralded single photons,” Optics Express 22, 006535 (2014).

      • M. Brinkmann, M. Kues, and C. Fallnich, “Phase-dependent spectral control of pulsed modulation instability via dichromatic seed fields,” Applied Physics B, DOI 10.1007/s00340-013-5759-9 (2013).

      • J. Epping, M. Kues, P. van der Slot, C. Lee, C. Fallnich, and K. Boller, “Integrated CARS source based on seeded four-wave mixing in silicon nitride,” Optics Express 21, 32123 (2013).

      • M. Kues, S. Knitter, M. Haidl, and C. Fallnich, “Linearly polarized emission from random lasers with anisotropically amplifying media,” Optics Express 21, 31591 (2013).

      • S. Knitter, M. Kues, and C. Fallnich, “Spectro-polarimetric signature of a random laser,” Physical Review A 88, 013839 (2013).

      • M. Kues, and C. Fallnich, “Synchronization of limit cycle oscillations in anomalously dispersive nonlinear fiber ring resonators,” Physical Review A, 86, 43830 (2012).

      • P. Groß, N. Haarlammert, M. Kues, T. Walbaum, and C. Fallnich, “Effects of optical feedback on femtosecond supercontinuum generation,” Optical Fiber Technology 18, 290 (2012).

      • S. Knitter, M. Kues, and C. Fallnich, “Emission polarization of random lasers in organic dye solutions,” Optics Letters 37, 17, 3621 (2012).

      • M. Kues, N. Brauckmann, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Basic prerequisites for limit-cycle oscillations within a synchronously pumped passive optical nonlinear fiber-ring resonator,” Physical Review A 84, 033833 (2011).

      • S. Knitter, T. Hellwig, M. Kues, and C. Fallnich, “Spectrally resolving single-shot polarimeter,” Optics Letters 36, 3048 (2011).

      • N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Noise reduction of supercontinua via optical feedback,” Optics Express, 19, 14763 (2011).

      • S. Dobner, N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Broadband spectral shearing interferometry for amplitude and phase measurement of supercontinua,” Applied Physics B, 102, 4 (2011).

      • N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Adjustment of supercontinua via the optical feedback phase – experimental verifications,” Optics Express 18, 24611 (2010).

      • N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Adjustment of supercontinua via the optical feedback phase – numerical investigations,” Optics Express 18, 20667 (2010).

      • N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, T. Walbaum, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Experimental investigations on nonlinear dynamics in supercontinuum generation with feedback,” Optics Express 18, 7190 (2010).

      • M. Kues, N. Brauckmann, T. Walbaum, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Nonlinear dynamics of femtosecond supercontinuum generation with feedback,” Optics Express 17, 15827 (2009).
    • Articles in Scientific Magazines
      • M. Kues, “Flexible light sources for quantum technologies,” EU Researcher (Spring 2019).
      • Y. Zhang, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Quantum State Generation in Optical Frequency Combs for Quantum Computing,” IEEE-HKN THE BRIDGE Magazine (Spring 2018) – on the cover.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L. Romero Cortés, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “Scaling On-Chip Entangled Photon States to Higher Dimensions” Optics and Photonics News, December Special Issue (2017) – on the cover.
      • M. Kues, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Quantum combs light up computing,” Physics World, June Issue (2016) – invited.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, D. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Quantum Communications and Computing,” Photonics Spectra 1, 76 (2017) – invited.
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, F. Grazioso, T. Johnston, R. Morandotti, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T Chu, D. J Moss, Y. Bromberg, and L. Caspani “On-Chip Quantum Frequency Combs,” Optics and Photonics News 27, 47, December Special Issue (2016).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, S. Sciara, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, M. Clerici, M. Peccianti, M. Ferrera, A. Pasquazi, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip Frequency Combs for Optical Quantum State Generation,” IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter 30, 5, October Issue (2016) – invited.
    • Conferences and Workshops
      • S. Sciara, M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azana,and R. Morandotti1, “Quantum frequency combs for the on-chip generation, coherent control and processing of complex entangled photon states,” Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference, Saskatoon (SK), Canada, (2019).
      • S. Sciara, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azana, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Generation and coherent processing of complex entangled photon states through integrated quantum frequency combs,” International Conference of Quantum, Nonlinear and Nanophotonics (ICQNN), Sofia, Bulgaria, (2019) – plenary talk.
      • S. May, J. McPhillimy, C. Klitis, B. Guilhabert, M. Kues, M.D. Dawson, M. J. Strain, M. Clerici, M. Sorel, “Integrated AlGaAs Devices for Non-linear Applications,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Burlingame, California (USA) (2019) – invited talk.
      • S. Prabhakar, T. Shields, D. Powell, G.G. Taylor, D. Morozov, M. Ebrahim, M. Kues, L. Caspani, C. Gawith, R.H. Hadfield, M. Clerici “Generation and Detection of Photon Pairs at 2.080 μm by Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in a PPLN Crystal,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Burlingame, California (USA) (2019).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S.T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azana, and R. Morandotti, “D-dimensional frequency-time entangled cluster states with on-chip frequency combs,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Burlingame, California (USA) (2019).
      • S. Sciara, M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated frequency combs for the on-chip generation of optical quantum states,” META 2019 International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonics Crystals and Plasmonics, Lisbon, Portugal, (2019).
      • L. Caspani, S. Sciara, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, W. J. Munro, J. Azana, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Generation of on-chip d-dimensional entangled cluster states and their characterization via optimal entanglement witnesses", META 2019 International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonics Crystals and Plasmonics, Lisbon, Portugal (2019).
      • P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azana, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Kerr combs and telecommunications components for the generation and high-dimensional quantum processing of d-level cluster states,” ICTON 2019 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Angers, France, (2019).
      • S. Sciara, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azana, M. Kues, and  R. Morandotti, “On-chip generation, coherent control and processing of complex entangled photon states,” IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (USA), (2019).
      • T. Shields, S. Prabhakar, D. Powell, G.G. Taylor, D. Morozov, M. Ebrahim, M. Kues, L. Caspani, C. Gawith, R.H. Hadfield, M. Clerici “Photon Pair Generation at 2.080 μm by Down-conversion,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, (2019).
      • Y. Zhang, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, B. Fischer, B. MacLellan, L. Caspani, B. Little, S. Chu, D. Moss, and R. Morandotti “Single-photon induced correlation with integrated quantum frequency combs,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, (2019).
      • B. Wetzel, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, M. Godin, S.T. Chu, E. A. Viktorov, D.J. Moss, A. Pasquazi, M. Peccianti, and R. Morandotti, “Customizing supercontinuum generation via adaptive on-chip pulse splitting,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, (2019).
      • S. Sciara, C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, A. Cino, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, W.J. Munro, and R. Morandotti, “Universal multipartite d-level entanglement witnesses for realistic measurement settings,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, (2019).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A.Cino, S.T. Chu, B.E. Little, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, W.J. Munro, J. Azana, and R. Morandotti, “Optical d-level frequency-time-based cluster states,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, (2019).
      • P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S.T. Chu, B.E. Little, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, W.J. Munro, J. Azana, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Hyper-entanglement in time and frequency", CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, June 23-27, 2019 (poster).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Islam, C. Reimer, B. Fischer, S. Sciara, Y. Zhang, D.J. Moss, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Removing phase ambiguity in fiber-based interferometers for coherent time-bin operations,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, (2019) (poster).
      • S. Sciara, C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, A. Cino, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, W.J. Munro, and R. Morandotti, “Universal multipartite d-level entanglement witnesses for realistic measurement settings,” Photonics North Conference, Quebec City (QC), Canada, (2019).
      • P.Roztocki, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azana, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Optical d-level frequency-time-based cluster states”, Photonics North Conference, Quebec City (QC), Canada, (2019).
      • B. Fischer, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, Y. Zhang, D.J. Moss, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Phase retrieval in fiber-based interferometers", Photonics North Conference, Quebec City (QC), Canada (2019).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki, M. Islam, L. Romero Cortes, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S.T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azana, and R. Morandotti, “High-dimensional one-way quantum processing enabled by optical d-level cluster states,” Quantum Information and Measurement, Rome, Italy (2019).
      • S. Prabhakar, T. Shields, D. Powell, G. Taylor, D. Morozov, M. Ebrahim, M. Kues, L. Caspani, C. Gawith, R. Hadfield, and M. Clerici, “Generation and detection of down-converted photon pairs at 2.080 μm,” CLEO 2019, San Jose, California, USA (2019).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki1, M. Islam1, L. Romero Cortés, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azaña, and R. Morandotti, “High-dimensional one-way quantum processing with on-chip optical d-level cluster states,” CLEO 2019, San Jose, California, USA (2019).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki1, M. Islam1, L. Romero Cortés, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azaña, and R. Morandotti, “D-dimensional frequency-time entangled cluster states with on-chip/fiber-based photonic systems,” IQTC 2019, Grenoble, France (2019).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki1, M. Islam1, L. Romero Cortés, Y. Zhang, B. Fischer, S. Loranger, R. Kashyap, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, W. J. Munro, J. Azaña, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip frequency combs for scalable complex photon state generation and control,” Quantum Science Symposium Europe – 2018, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2018) – invited talk.
      • P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, L. Cortes, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cinio, S.T. Chu, B.E. Little, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azaña, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Framework for complex quantum state generation and coherent control based on on-chip frequency combs,” FIO 2018, Washington, USA (2018).
      • S. Sciara, M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L. Cortes, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cinio, S.T. Chu, B.E. Little, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azaña, and R. Morandotti, “Generation and Coherent Manipulation of Complex Quantum States Based on Integrated Frequency Combs”, Photonics in Switching and Computing, Limassol, Cyprus (2018).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L.R. Cortés, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, S.T. Chu, B.E. Little, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azaña, and R. Morandotti, “Complex Entangled Photon States on a Chip”, Foundations & Advances in Nonlinear Science and 4nd International Symposium Advances in Nonlinear Photonics, Minsk, Belarus (2018). Keynote
      • A. V. Kovalev, A. Aadhi, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, Y. Zhang, T. Wang, A. Matuhina, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, Z. Wang, E. A. Viktorov, and R. Morandotti, “Figure-eight Laser with an Integrated Nonlinear Waveguide: All-optical Square-wave Generation,” ICLO 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia (2018).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, S. Sciara, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Generation of Correlated Photons”, Photonics North, Montreal, Canada (2018).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki,  S. Sciara,  L. Romero Cortés, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip entangled d-level photon states – scalable generation and coherent processing,” CLEO US, San Jose, USA (2018).
      • A. Aadhi, A. V. Kovalev, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, Y. Zhang, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, E. A. Viktorov, and Roberto Morandotti, “Tunable field dynamics from a mode-locked NALM laser based on a highly nonlinear integrated waveguide,” CLEO US, San Jose, USA (2018).
      • P. Roztocki,  M. Kues, C. Reimer, S. Sciara,  L. Romero Cortés, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “Scalable on-chip generation and coherent control of complex optical quantum states,” CLEO US, San Jose, USA (2018) – invited talk.
      • S. Sciara, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, L. Romero Cortés, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated frequency combs for on-chip generation of high-dimensional entangled photon states and their coherent control,” SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France (2018) – invited talk.
      • A. Aadhi, A. V. Kovalev, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, Y. Zhang, T. Wang, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, Z. Wang, E. A. Viktorov, and R. Morandotti, “Optical square waves from a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror laser,” Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (2018).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L. Romero Cortés, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “High-dimensional optical quantum states from integrated frequency combs and their coherent control” Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (2018) – invited talk.
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Practical excitation schemes for integrated micro-cavity-based quantum frequency combs,” Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (2018) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip frequency combs for scalable quantum state generation,” META, Seoul, Korea (2017) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L. Romero Cortés, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip generation of multi-photon and high-dimensional entangled quantum states and their coherent control,” Quantum Innovators Workshop, Waterloo (2017).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, L.R. Cortes, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, S.T. Chu, B.E. Little, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azana, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated generation of high-dimensional entangled photon states and their coherent control”, Frontiers in Optics, Washington, USA (2017).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti,  “On-chip frequency combs for generating complex entangled quantum states,” URSI GASS, Montreal, Canada (2017).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Entanglement generation with integrated optical frequency sources”, OSA Nonlinear Optics, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA (2017).
      • P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, M. Kues, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated frequency combs for quantum state generation,” CCMR 2017, Jeju Island, Korea (2017) – invited talk.
      • S. Sciara, M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip quantum state generation by means of integrated frequency combs,” 2017 Summer Topicals Meeting Series, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2017).
      • P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, M. Kues, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated frequency combs for quantum state generation,” CCMR 2017, Jeju Island, Korea (2017). 
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues (presenting author), C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Pulsed quantum frequency combs from an actively mode-locked intra-cavity generation scheme,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2017) – invited talk. 
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, T. Hansson, E. A. Viktorov, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Passively mode-locked nanosecond laser with an ultra-narrow spectral width,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2017).
      • Y. Zhang, C. Reimer, J. Wu, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Demonstration of on-chip multi-mode phase-sensitive amplification”, CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2017).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Four-wave mixing photon pair generation statistics for a nonlinear microcavity with chaotic and pulsed excitation,” CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany (2017).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, L. Caspani, D.J. Moss and R. Morandotti, “Generation of complex quantum states via integrated frequency combs,” Lausanne, Switzerland (2017).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, L. Romero Cortés, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azãna, and R. Morandotti, “High-dimensional frequency-bin entanglement in on-chip optical frequency combs,” Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada (2017) – invited talk.
      • S. Sciara, P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip frequency combs for scalable quantum state generation,” Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada (2017).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “Practical pulsed quantum frequency comb generation scheme,” Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada (2017).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “Four-wave mixing photon pair generation statistics for a nonlinear microcavity with chaotic and pulsed excitation,” Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada (2017).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, T. Hansson, E. A. Viktorov, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Transform-limited nanosecond passively mode-locked laser,” Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada (2017) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, “On-chip generation of complex optical quantum states and their coherent control,” CENOS Colloquium, Muenster, Germany (2017) – invited talk.
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Pulsed quantum frequency combs from an actively mode-locked intra-cavity generation scheme,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2017).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Four-wave mixing photon pair generation statistics for a nonlinear microcavity with chaotic and pulsed excitation,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2017).
      • Y. Zhang, C. Reimer, J. Wu, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Multi-channel phase-sensitive amplification in nonlinear waveguides,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2017).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, T. Hansson, E. A. Viktorov, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “An ultra-narrow spectral width passively mode-locked laser,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2017).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “quantum state generation via integrated frequency combs,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (2017).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Scalable quantum state generation with on-chip optical frequency combs,” Quantum Science Symposium Europe – 2016, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2016) – invited talk.
      • Y. Zhang, J. Wu, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, M. Kues, and R. Morandotti, “Phase sensitive amplification with 6db net gain in low-loss integrated waveguides,” Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, United States (2016).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Generation of multi-photon entangled states with integrated optical frequency comb sources,” Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, United States (2016).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Nanosecond passively mode-locked laser with a hundred megahertz spectral bandwidth,” Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, United States (2016).
      • B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, S. Trillo, J.M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz, and R. Morandotti, “The inviscid Burgers' equation in nonlinear fiber optics,” Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, United States (2016) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip kerr frequency combs for scalable quantum state generation,” 20th Slovak - Czech - Polish Optical Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Jasna, Slovakia (2016) – plenary talk.
      • R. Morandotti, M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, and D.J. Moss, “Complex quantum state on a chip,” Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria Fisica, Medellin, Colombia (2016) – Keynote.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, F. Grazioso, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, W.J. Munro, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Two-photon multi-correlated states from an on-chip bi-modal micro-cavity,” LAOP 2016, Medellin, Colombia (2016). 
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip frequency comb of entangled qubits,” LAOP 2016, Medellin, Colombia (2016). 
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Multi-photon entangled quantum state from integrated optical frequency combs,” LAOP 2016, Medellin, Colombia (2016). 
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated quantum frequency comb source of entangled qubits,” META’16, 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Torremolinos (Malaga), Spain (2016) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D. J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “Scalable quantum state generation using integrated frequency combs,” Advanced Photonics 2016, Vancouver, Canada (2016) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, W.J. Munro, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Multi-correlated two-photon states from a bi-modal integrated frequency comb source,” Advanced Photonics 2016, Vancouver, Canada (2016).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Generation of multiple entangled qubits from an integrated frequency comb source,” Advanced Photonics 2016, Vancouver, Canada (2016). 
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Four-photon entanglement generation with integrated optical frequency combs,” Advanced Photonics 2016, Vancouver, Canada (2016). 
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, "Quantum state generation via integrated frequency combs,” ICOOPMA 2016 MONTREAL, 7th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Montreal, Canada (2016) – invited talk.
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated quantum frequency comb source of entangled qubits,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2016).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “On-chip generation of four-photon entangled qubit states,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2016).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, W.J. Munro, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Four mode multi-correlated bi-photon states within an integrated quantum frequency comb,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2016).
      • B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, S. Trillo, J.M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz, and R. Morandotti, "Experimental observation of inviscid Burgers’ equation dynamics in nonlinear fiber optics,” CLEO, San Jose, United States (2016).
      • B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, S. Trillo, J.M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz, and R. Morandotti, “The inviscid Burgers’ equation dynamics in nonlinear fiber optics,” Nonlinear Waves - Theory and Applications, Beijing, China (2016) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, B. Wetzel, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Quantum combs in integrated optics,” Emerging Technologies 2016, Montreal, Canada (2016) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated frequency combs for optical quantum state generation,” Nanotera workshop on microresonator frequency Combs: Theory and applications MFCA 2016, Monte Verità, TI, Switzerland (2016) – invited talk.
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D.J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “Generation of four-photon entangled qubit states on a photonic chip,” Photonics North, Quebec, Canada (2016).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, Y. Bromberg, L. Caspani, D.J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “Quantum state generation with integrated frequency combs,” Photonics North, Quebec, Canada (2016).
      • B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, S. Trillo, J.M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz, and R. Morandotti, “Observation of Inviscid Burgers’ Equation Dynamics in Nonlinear Fiber Optics”, Photonics North, Quebec, Canada (2016).
      • M. Kues, P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, W.J. Munro, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Two-photon four-mode multi-correlated states within a bi-modally pumped integrated kerr optical parametric oscillator,” Photonics North, Quebec, Canada (2016).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Quantum state generation via integrated frequency combs,” ECIO 2016, Warsaw, Poland (2016) – plenary talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, B. Wetzel, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “On-chip quantum frequency comb source,” SPIE DSS, Baltimore, United States (2016) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, L. Caspani, Y. Bromberg, F. Grazioso, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, T. Johnston, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated Frequency Combs Meet Quantum Optics”, CENOS Center for Nonlinear Science Colloquium, Muenster, Germany (2016) – invited talk.
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues*, C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “Integrated optical combs: towards quantum optical applications,” Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (2016) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, L. Caspani, F. Grazioso, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, W.J. Munro, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Multi-correlated two-photon states within an integrated quantum frequency comb,” Frontiers in Optics, San Jose, USA (2015).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, Y. Bromberg, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated frequency comb of time-bin entangled photon pairs,” Frontiers in Optics, San Jose, USA (2015).
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Quantum photonic circuits for optical signal processing,” Spatiotemporal Complexity in Nonlinear Optics (SCNO), Como, Italy (2015).
      • P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, M. Kues, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated optical combs: towards single photon applications,” Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada (2015) – invited talk.
      • P. Roztocki, M. Kues, C. Reimer, B. Wetzel, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Ultra-low power passive mode-locking using an integrated nonlinear microring resonator,” Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada (2015).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, L. Caspani, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, M. Clerici, Y. Jestin, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated bi-chromatically pumped optical parametric oscillator for orthogonally polarized photon pair generation,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR), Boston, USA (2015).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Passive mode-locking of transform-limited hundred-ps long pulses using an integrated nonlinear microring resonator,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR), Boston, USA (2015).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Ultra-low power passive mode-locking using an integrated nonlinear microring resonator,” Colloque de Plasma-Quebec, Montreal, Canada (2015).
      • C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, D. Duchesne, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Multiplexed high purity photon-pair source on a chip,” Colloque de Plasma-Quebec, Montreal, Canada (2015).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki, B. Wetzel, F. Grazioso, B. E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, L. Caspani, and R. Morandotti, “Frequency comb of time-bin entangled photon pairs on a chip,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany (2015) – Post-deadline.
      • B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, J. M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz, R. Morandotti, “Experimental Signature of Riemann wave shoaling in optical fiber,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany (2015).
      • L. Caspani, C. Reimer, M. Kues, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, M. Clerici, Y. Jestin, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Direct generation of cross-polarized photons on a chip,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany (2015).
      • L. Caspani, C. Reimer, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Wavelength-multiplexed heralded single photon source on a chip,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany (2015).
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, L. Caspani, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, M. Clerici, Y. Jestin, M. Ferrera, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, B.E. Little, S.T. Chu, D.J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Novel classical and quantum phenomena in nonlinear ring resonators,” ‏Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) on optoelectronics, Beijing, China (2015) – invited talk.
      • B. Wetzel, D. Bongiovanni, M. Kues, Y. Hu, Z. Chen, J. M. Dudley, S. Wabnitz, and R. Morandotti, “Experimental observation of Riemann wave shoaling in nonlinear optical fiber,” Dispersive Hydrodynamics – The Mathematics of Dispersive Shock Waves and Applications, Banff, Canada (2105) – invited talk.
      • C. Reimer, M. Kues, B. Wetzel, P. Roztocki, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Ultra-low power passive mode-locking using an integrated nonlinear microring resonator,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA (2015).
      • M. Kues, C. Reimer, T. Hamidfar, R. Morandotti, and P. Bianucci, “Nonlinear frequency mixing in a surface nanoscale axial photonics resonator,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA (2015).
      • L. Caspani, C. Reimer, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “CMOS-compatible source of heralded single photons for multiplexed quantum cryptography,” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2014, Beijing, China (2014) – invited talk.
      • C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, D. Duchesne, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Applications of integrated ring resonators at the few photon level,” Nano-Tera - Microresonator Freqeuncy Combs and their Applications (MFCA), Lucarno, Switzerland (2014) – invited talk.
      • P. Roztocki, C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Pecciantia, A. Pasquazia, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, R. Morandotti, “Integrated optical combs: towards single photon applications,” The International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Photosciences (CIOFF), Havana, Cuba (2014) – invited talk.
      • C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated source of multiplexed heralded photons,” Nano-Tera Microresonator Frequency Combs and their Applications (MFCA), Lucarno, Switzerland (2014).
      • C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated source of multiplexed heralded photons,” IEEE Summer Topicals 2014, Montreal, Canada (2014).
      • C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Integrated source of multiplexed photon pairs,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San José, California, USA (2014).
      • C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Multiplexed heralded photon source on a chip,” Photonics North 2014, Montréal, Québec, Canada (2014).
      • C. Reimer, L. Caspani, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, M. Kues, M. Peccianti, A. Pasquazi, L. Razzari, D. Duchesne, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, D. J. Moss, and R. Morandotti, “Multiplexed photon-pair source on a chip,” Fotonica 2014, Milano, Italy (2014).
      • S. Knitter, M. Kues, M. Haidl, and C. Fallnich, “Spectropolarimetric investigations on random lasing,” Light in disordered photonic media, 546. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar, Bad Honnef, Germany (2013).
      • M. Kues, M. Brinkmann, C. Fallnich, “Phase-dependent evolution of second-order modulation instability,” Extreme Nonlinear Optics & Solitons, Berlin, Germany (2013).
      • M. Brinkmann, M. Kues, C. Fallnich, “Phase-sensitive parametric amplification exploiting second-order modulation instability,” Frontiers in Optics (FIO), Orlando, Florida, USA (October 2013).
      • S. Knitter, M. Kues, C. Fallnich, “The spectro-polarimetric fingerprint of a random laser,” ESPCI workshop on random optical systems, Cargèse, France, (2013).
      • S. Knitter, M. Kues, C. Fallnich, “Emission polarization of dye-based random lasers,” Stanford Photonics Workshop, Stanford, California, USA, (2013).
      • J. Epping, M. Kues, P. van der Slot, C. Lee, C. Fallnich, and K. Boller, “Integrated four-wave mixing source for coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering based on silicon nitride,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Munich, Germany, (Mai 2013).
      • J. Epping, M. Kues, P. van der Slot, C. Lee, C. Fallnich, and K. Boller, “Numerical modeling of seeded FWM in silicon nitride waveguides for CARS,” Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM), Enschede, Netherlands (April 2013).
      • S. Knitter, M. Kues, and C. Fallnich, “Polarization properties of dye-based random lasers,” Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA (February 2013).
      • S. Knitter, M. Kues, and C. Fallnich, “Spectro-polarimetric measurements on random lasers,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San José, California, USA (2012).
      • M. Kues, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Synchronization of limit cycles in nonlinear passive fiber ring resonators by cross-phase modulation,” Nonlinear Photonics, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA (2012).
      • M. Kues, N. Brauckmann, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “New features in frequency combs by limit cycle oscillations in dispersive nonlinear fiber ring resonators,” Nonlinear Optics, Lihue, Hawaii, USA (2011).
      • N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, P. Groß, C. Cleff, and C. Fallnich, “Noise reduction of supercontinuum via optical feedback,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, Maryland, USA (2011).
      • N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Supercontinuum adjustment via the optical feedback phase,” Frontiers in Optics (FiO), Rochester, New York, USA (2010).
      • N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Phase-dependent nonlinear dynamics in supercontinuum generation with feedback,” Nonlinear Photonics, Karlsruhe, Germany (2010).
      • M. Kues, N. Brauckmann, T. Walbaum, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Numerical investigations on femtosecond supercontinuum generation with feedback,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San José, California, USA (2010).
      • C. Fallnich, N. Brauckmann, M. Kues, T. Walbaum, and P. Groß, “Nonlinear dynamics of femtosecond supercontinuum generation with feedback,” Nonlinear Optics in Guided Geometries, WIAS Berlin, Germany, (2009) – invited talk.
      • M. Kues, N. Brauckmann, T. Walbaum, P. Groß, and C. Fallnich, “Impact of feedback on femtosecond supercontinuum generation,” Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM), Jena, Germany (2009).